Senin, 29 November 2010

Love Song for My Muse (GJL) - (Trilingual Song)

Just so you know, every part of you, i dare you to spit it and I'll love it till the end.
This is my song. Its not a sad song.
Just my feeling, just so you can feel.
I love (sayang) you like crazy.
But i will try to love myself first and after that I will chase you again, like i would never stop.
This is the song :

Darling, watashi wa koko ni iruyo. 
Doko mo ikazu ni matteruyo. 
Baby, i will love myself instead of waiting for you love.
But you know that i would be happy only if you said, tanoshii to heppi dayo.

Mungkin hatimu telah berbalik,
dan keyakinanmu akanku telah runtuh mengeruh.
YOU KNOW THAT I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU dakara koso shinpai shinakute iindayo.
Donna ni tooku ni itemo kawaranaiyo kono kokoro.
I know that love would be hurt DEMO Iitai koto wakaru desho?
Anata no koto matteru yo. :') 

My Pray:
God I believe in You, In everypart of your plan. Dewasakan aku lebih lagi Tuhan. Terimakasih. Terimakasih GJL. Terimakasih Tuhan.

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Unconditional Love = Unrequited Love

The thing that i called Love is when it becomes unrequited and you still believe in it.
The thing that i called Sacrifice is when it becomes unconditional and you still fight for it.
The thing that i called REAL LOVE is when it's all becomes unconditional yet unrequited and my feel still for you.

You guys already know about my new guy,right?
Then you should open this.

So, this is the story,

I like him, in everyway. Its like a thousand in one.
Hahaha. Well, that's the truth.

Im trying to be more faithful, more patient, more better than the way i am before.
And Im trying to do this not just because of him, but for me, myself, and our future.
Yeah, I think about that a little bit. I'm a little bit curious about what happen between us in the next 2 or 3 years.
Hope it'll last forever.
I hate it when i have to post something about how we broke up or how we fight.
So, i will try not to have a fight with him.
I will try I said.
With GOD's help, I will try.

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

New Love New Life New Joyful Life

Well,well, how's life everybody?

Me? I feel sick.

I'm sick of being hurt. I'm sick of backstabbed. I'm sick of everycause of brokenhearted.
Yeah, I'm sick of it.
So, i prayed for love to be good for me.
And, lately, it has been doing good, since I've finally found him.
Yes, him.
The new guy in my life. And like an advertising i said, "So far so good."

Huh? You wanna know who?
Here, click me!

I will tell you more story about him next time. For now, just take a little peek on his profile.

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Tertarik Menjadikan Uang sebagai Hamba? :))

Gue nulis ini dengan terseok-seok sambil merutuk,
"Sumpah! Gue butuh duit!"

Ada alasan tersendiri mengapa aku harus mengulang kata "duit" sampai EMPAT kali. Padahal orang biasanya hanya akan mengulang 2-3 kali dalam monolog kehidupan mereka. Mengapa aku mengulanginya hingga 4 kali?
Aku memang tidak butuh duit. Tapi, aku SANGAT butuh duit SEKALI!
Lihatkan? Aku bahkan tak peduli saat kalimatku berubah menjadi kalimat yang tidak efisien, karena menggunakan 'sangat' dan 'sekali' dengan makna yang sama dalam konteksnya DUA KALI! :))

Ya. Aku butuh duit. Sangat 'urgent' malah.
Untuk apa?
Ohh tolonglah demi langit dan bumi, aku berusaha meyakinkan kalian kalau baju dan sepatuku ada karea uang. Lembah peranakan yang semakin besar tiap harinya ini (baca: perut, gemuk, RED) juga karena uang. Kacamata yang sedang kukenakan, sepatu, pena, buku, semua ada karena uang. Masih bertanya lagi? Siap-siap makan uang!! Ehh! :))

Well, apa sih sebenarnya yang membuat uang menjadi penting? Nilainya? Ya. Kegunaannya? Ya. Lalu, fakta bahwa seluruh dunia menggunakannya sebagai alat transaksi terbesar dan,pastinya,terutama.
Ahhh uaaang~! Datanglah padaku! Datanglah padaku!

Sebenarnya saya ingin berkata satu hal saja. Entahlah, mungkin kalian sudah pernah mendengar ini sebelumnya. Yaitu:
"Uang adalah TUAN yang JAHAT dan HAMBA yang BAIK!!"

Maksudnya adalah apabila kita tidak bisa mengatur keuangan dengan baik, akan berbuntut kepada pemborosan dan lama-lama jadi pengurasan. Apabila diteruskan kantong kita akan mengalami komplikasi yang menimbulkan perhutangan. Saking kita butuhnya, yaaa sudah. Akhirnya kita diperhamba oleh uang. Ngutang sana-sini. Keteteran.

Ketika kita bisa mengatur uang dengan baik, mengontrol pengeluaran dan pemasukan, kita bisa puas karena bila diandaikan maka jadilah seperti Uang yang mengejar-ngejar kita. Enak kan dikejar sama uang?? :))

So BE-IT! And DO-IT!

Selasa, 02 November 2010

My Last Day as a Zombie ( Created on October 26th, 2010)

Well,well, Here I am, trying to find my true self.
These past 3 weeks I’ve been drown myself into a dark and deep self-pity, which is very PATHETIC, and I’M NOT TRYING to get out from that pathetic place.
Well thats a long long story but the point is I lost my mind that day, back there. I lost my way, I lost my light, my only way to survive,…Jesus. I forgot about Him and fell off the cliff.
SO HOW do I manage to get out from that quirky place?
Now, this is the hardest part to be told. :)
I have a good friend, i mean like a really good one, and they do care about me. They often told me not to skip my classes so I won’t lose the absent. So do them ~A few fellows from my lecturer class~ , care about me like my besties do.
No,the story has just beginning.
So, i have this thought to leave my college, my life, and I started to think about married ~like really really soon~ or work or something…that can distract me from my family or (Back there i really think of it) runaway from my house.
I’m starting to do another crazy things, from skip classes everyday and go on to the beach, or have fun with my Facebook or BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) ‘s Friend.
And this one thing that i can sure of is while im doing that back there i REALLY wasn’t thinking. I just walk, without my heart.
Like a zombie. Yeah, i really mean it. ZOMBIE. NOTES: They dont have a heart. Just like me. Right?
Feel free to judge me, but Im telling you that I’ve changed. Thank to my Sensei (Japanese word of teacher)…Shita Sensei and Timor Sensei. They really gave me a courage to do all of these. Phiuhh.. Thanks God. I know, You used them to give me what I always wanted. LIFE. HEART. A heart to understand that everybody has the own problem, and why can I?
Today I promise, though i realized that my heart still in an unstable condition, i promise about that zombie thing. It wont happen again.
And I promise, i will always remember this day as my turning point. From unstable-teen into almost-stable-mature-woman. How about it?
Nice, huh?
Well guys, pray for me, give me faith, give me courage.
Thanks to my fellows, my besties, my sensei, and the last but not least but the best, thanks to Jesus.
See you Guys!
Hope you understand what Im saying.
Sorry about my poor english,enjoy!

I posted this post on Octobe 26th, 2010 on My Tumblr

sepercik cinta yang tersisa untuk #mantan

Dear , I used to love you. Or maybe, its better when I said, I used to LIKE you. Because LOVE is undescribeable.

Dear , kau pernah ada di sana. Ya. Di sana. Di jantung hatiku. Pemicu semua gerakan jantungku. Alasan setiap tarikan nafasku.

Dear , ada hikmah di setiap pertemuan,pun perpisahan. Bukankah kau bahagia waktu dulu? Denganku. Begitupun dengannya. Percayalah.

Dear , aku benci kamu. Karena kamulah salah satu alasan jantungku berdegup tiap ingatan tentang masa lalu mendadak menyusup ke otak.

Dear , aku benci kamu. Karena kamulah yang bertanggung jawab atas setiap tetes air mata yang pada akhirnya harus tersiakan. :’)

Dear , aku benci kamu. Karena satu laci usang di otakku ini milikmu,dan hatiku menolak laci lain untuk dicinta.

Dear ,aku benci kamu.Kamulah alasan dibalik senyumku juga alasan dibalik derasnya tangisku.Tragis.Tapi magis.Its all ‘bout you!

Dear , kau buat aku mati seperti mayat,menginginkanmu seperti vampir,dan mempercayaimu seperti Frankenstein. Polos.

Dear , ini salahmu. Sekarang aku harus beradaptasi lagi dengan hidup yang kian lama kian basi. Lelah. Tapi bukan mustahil.

Dear ,salah besar jika kau berpikir kau bs buatku kembali ke pelukanmu.Ada alasan mengapa aku pernah melepasnya.

Dear ,tolonglah.Bila memang ini jalannya,menjauhlah.Ya.Seribu langkah ke timur.Kenapa?Agar kau selalu ada mengganti tidurnya mentari

Dear ,mgkn orang2 merindukan bibir atau ciuman,tangan atau genggaman. Tapi aku rindu kaki dan topanganmu.

Dear , ohh sahabatku berbisik meminta buah tangan darimu. Sebuah pesan manis yg diiringi senyum manis dari sahabatnya,aku.

Dear ,lihatlah pada jari jemariku.Hentikan mereka.Bila tidak mereka akan terus berceloteh mengirimkan pelukan kata.